

Family genealogy

Meaning -
looking for your ancestors

To start, we'll need data of ancestors, prefarably, older than 100 year. This means your parents, grandparents and/or great grandparents. We need this because of the privacy law in Belgium. It prohibits us to acces archives younger than approximately 100 years old.

Do you know the law about openness and accessibility of archives in Belgium?


- Deathcertificates public after 50 years

- Marriagecertificates public after 75 years.
- Birthcertificates public after 100 years.


- After 120 years they become open and accessible.

Every genealogical search is different - it's complete custom to the research question. It is therefore impossible to give you one clear price. The nature, technicity, complexity, distance, size, etc are all factors that determine the price.

Having said that, we do offer some formules that will give you a headstart. 


Pedigree search

a summary of direct ancestors in male and female lineage. We choose to identify 4 generations. Meaning: a person by choice, two parents, four grandparents and 8 great grandparents. A total of 15 people



(1 day work)

What to expect?

A pdf file of your pedigree, with cupporting certificates and some explantion.

* Prices are VAT incl.




(3 days work)

* Prices are VAT incl.

Review, check and/or add (to) your research

Would you like to be sure of all the work you've done so far? Are you stuck somewhere in your search? Or do you simply don't have the time anymore to finish something? Send us your pedigree and question and we'll review, check or add to your needs.


A specific question about your pedigree

Do you have a specific question about your ancestors? Ofcours we can't really price that just yet. Sometimes a little bit of advice already goes a long way. Other times some hard work in the dusty archives are needed. One hour, a day, a week ... Don't be afraid to ask your question and we'll go from there !