DNA analysis


genetic genealogy

DNA analysis is thé newest asset to your genealogical research

Did you know that as human beings we only differ in 0,1% of our DNA?! Only that specific 0,1% in our DNA decides the differences in our physical characteristics and our personality traits. Bizare right...

In recent decades, geneticists have researched and focused on that 0,1% and are now able to identify similarities and differences within this small percentage.

One application of this is finding genetic relationships. Another is identifying your genetic mix or ethnicity. The former is the latest favorite pastime of the hobby genealogist and an absolute added value to your family tree. The latter is more of a 'fun to know'.



You inherit your autosomale DNA of almost all your ancestors (150-200y). 50% of mom and dad. On average 25% of your four grandparents - 12,5% of your 8 great grandparents, and so on.

It's this DNA that is being analyses when you do a commercial DNA test. The result will give you  matches of people you have a certain percentage or length of DNA in common. 



Only men carry the Y chromosome. So only a father can give this DNA to his son and so forth. Analysis of the Y chromosome within genealogy is often used to research and/or verify name affinity. In Belgium, within the field of forensic genealogy, there's been some development to use this analysis for cold cases and sexual offences.



With mitochondrial DNA we only follow the female lineage. Men also carry this type of DNA but are unable to give it to their offspring. so only a mother can give it to her children and only a daughter can continue that. The role of the women within genealogy is highly underrated and understied. In 2019 a project called 'MamaMito' tried to research the 'foremother' of the Belgian public.

Price is 69€ pp. This includes a DNA kit, the interpretation, explanation and management of the results (incl PDF-file)

The DNA kit will be send to you*. You take the DNA sample yourself and send it abroad. (around €13). 

We ask for an advance before the DNA kit(s) will be send. 

*Belgium & Netherland.



Genealogical Research opts to use MyHeritage's database because, in our opinion, they represent Europe the best. 

If there is a demand for a different database, this can of course be done in consultation

(prices may vary).



The first thing to know when analyzing your general DNA is that it will never take you beyond a maximum of 200 years.

This is because we always inherit a certain percentage from our ancestors and this - the further in time you go - on a completely random basis. These two factors ensure that after x number of generations, the DNA is so small that it is undetectable, or simply was not inherited.

Genetic mix

In fact, based on certain codes in your DNA, you are assigned to a haplogroup. This is a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor in the paternal or maternal line. (Ychrom, mtDNA)

Each population group is assigned to a particular geographic area. However, the map does not take into account migration...

Europe's population has always been on the move. Its complicated migration history results in a European gene mix. The European haplogroup thus has ramifications, and ramifications, and ramifications in sub haplogroups, which are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish. (This is obviously true for the other contintents as well, some more so than others).

That is, the results are only as correct as the completeness of the database you are working with,

and that they are calibrated to the current population.